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Ime, prezime: Lisa Riznikova
Program razmene: ERASMUS MUNDUS
Matični univerzitet/fakultet: University of Latvia
I have only good memories about my study experience in Belgrade and especially at the Faculty of Economics. It is the most organized Faculty, with well established inner structure and friendly stuff always willing to help. I have made friends with many of the students and we are still in touch. The year I spent in Belgrade was the best year of my life.

Ime, prezime: Grega Todorović
Program razmene: Bilateralna saradnja
Matični univerzitet/fakultet: Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubaljana, Slovenia
First of all, I would like to thank to my professors for their professionalism and cooperation. I had learned a lot from them. I wish them all the best in their further career.
Second I would like to thank to my classmates, who were very helpful and friendly. With some of them, I have stayed in touch. I would also like to thank to other exchange students! I wish you all the best!

Ime, prezime: Juan Villalba Soriano
Program razmene: ERASMUS MUNDUS
Matični univerzitet/fakultet: University of Granada, Spain

Vivir en Belgrado nos brindó una oportunidad para completar nuestros estudios en economía y de crecer como personas. Estuvimos rodeados de gente agradable que trató de resolvernos cualquier complicación que pudiera surgirnos. Además los alumnos locales se volcaron con nosotros de manera especial haciendo que nuestra estancia fuese muy positiva. La oportunidad de acercarnos a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de Belgrado es irrepetible.

Living in Belgrade gave us the opportunity to finish our studies in Economics and to grow as people. We were surrounded by kind people who solved any complications that could appear during this time. Besides local students had an special attention making our stay  very positive. The chance we had to take part of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade will be unforgettable.


Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Kamenička 6, 11000 Beograd
tel (011) 3021 240; fax (011) 628-923
copyright ERC EKOF